Essential Oils for Children
The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians do not recommend using essential oils AT ALL on babies younger than 3 months.
These are a list of locations you can apply essential oils:
1. Inside of elbow creases: Great for emotional well-being. The lung, pericardium and heart channels run through the elbow crease. You may experience the sensation of your chest opening and feeling lighter when you apply blends there.
2. Inside of wrist creases: The lung, pericardium and heart channels also run through the wrist creases and can move quickly to the chest.
3. Inside of forearms: Roll up and down the inside of forearms, on both sides, to have oils circulate quickly throughout the body. Many veins are close to the skin on in the inside of the forearms, so the oils enter the bloodstream rapidly. The best location for an instant change of emotional state.
4. Back of neck or spine: Essential oils applied here are perfect for mental clarity making it a quick way for the oils to enter the brain.
5. Over the heart area: This is located on the sternum, between the breasts (or nipple line). It is not the literal heart. Essential oils applied here will help when dealing with heartache and dissappointment.
6. Around the belly button: It is recommended that the essential oils to apply here are those related to protection and boundaries, and an increase in immune-system function.
7. Up and down the midline of the belly: Apply essential oils here when they're related to self-confidence and self-worth issues. Your belly has many serotonin receptors that contribute to feeling of happiness and self-esteem. Same as when applying to the inside of the forearm, you will feel the shift immediately by applying to the belly midline.
8. Bottoms of feet: One of the most popular locations to apply the essential oils. This is the preferred location when you need calmness and grounding.
These are a list of locations you can apply essential oils:
1. Inside of elbow creases: Great for emotional well-being. The lung, pericardium and heart channels run through the elbow crease. You may experience the sensation of your chest opening and feeling lighter when you apply blends there.
2. Inside of wrist creases: The lung, pericardium and heart channels also run through the wrist creases and can move quickly to the chest.
3. Inside of forearms: Roll up and down the inside of forearms, on both sides, to have oils circulate quickly throughout the body. Many veins are close to the skin on in the inside of the forearms, so the oils enter the bloodstream rapidly. The best location for an instant change of emotional state.
4. Back of neck or spine: Essential oils applied here are perfect for mental clarity making it a quick way for the oils to enter the brain.
5. Over the heart area: This is located on the sternum, between the breasts (or nipple line). It is not the literal heart. Essential oils applied here will help when dealing with heartache and dissappointment.
6. Around the belly button: It is recommended that the essential oils to apply here are those related to protection and boundaries, and an increase in immune-system function.
7. Up and down the midline of the belly: Apply essential oils here when they're related to self-confidence and self-worth issues. Your belly has many serotonin receptors that contribute to feeling of happiness and self-esteem. Same as when applying to the inside of the forearm, you will feel the shift immediately by applying to the belly midline.
8. Bottoms of feet: One of the most popular locations to apply the essential oils. This is the preferred location when you need calmness and grounding.
Remember! Essential oils are very potent, so you have to be cautious when you use them...a little goes a long way!
Warning: Do not put essential oils in eyes, ears, nose, or other areas with sensitive skin.
Warning: Do not put essential oils in eyes, ears, nose, or other areas with sensitive skin.